Coel in Scotland

Coel in Scotland


Update Part 2 Trials

After a long tiring trip trough Holland, Germany, Denmark and Sweden, we where back in  South Finland at my home.
I still had a few months left of my alternity leave from work, so now I had time to help Samuli on the farm. Jessica had set up the electric fence for our summer sheep,  Jonna and Ari had fetched them from Rymättylä, most of them where Oxfords and a few crossbreeds. They where very lively and run like hell from corner to corner, okey to train with the older dogs, but not so good to start the youngsters with.

Coel and Jessi dogging texel ewes,  Pohjanmaa
Can´t remember all trials anymore...
The first was at Kotikoskis on midsummer, Rhy run okey and became second the first day I think, the other day he had a better run but gripped in the single. Disq.I was most pleased with the fetch, he kept a good distance without a bigger fight and didn´t upset the ladies

Then we organized the first trial ever at Samulis farm Rönnäs Gård. Samuli had done a huge job in advance, so the facilities were great. The course was fun, over two fields, the fetch gate was a bridge over a big ditch. Me and Rhy had a bad run, noting more about that.
Price giving class II, Rönnäs gård

Father and son
Coel started in his first trial, class 2. If I remember right he won it, at that point I thought I wouldn´t run him in the opens (class 3) until next summer, that it wouldn´t be fair to him whit harder courses and longer distances, when he is only one year old and the finnish sheep are mostly very heavy and lazy.

In July at the first team qualifications at Inkilänhovi in Juva, we run like shit, both me and Rhy. It´s not an excuse but it was very hot, and we were unlucky to run both days with the sun on it´s hottest. The sheep where young lambs, who didn´t want to move or knew where to go. Rhy was slack and didn´t want to cooperate at all, we didn´t get any control of the sheep...managed to get a around but it was horrible, never been worse.
I was really broken, not for not being in the pricelist, but because I didn´t recognize my dog anymore...what had happened to the Rhy I knew? Where was the fire and the desire to push and control sheep...had I "killed" him...? I was totally clueless.
Nothing else than herding, can take you so high and then totally crash´s not only about one course, you start to panic that you have lost it all and that you´ll never get it back. So, I thought that I would try to not  "train train" him this summer, only work and do fun things.
At the same trial I decided to enter Coel in the open class. It was a tricky outrun, not all dogs found the sheep or could fetch them. Coel found them with one extra command, we missed the drive gates when the lambs where so heavy so I didn´t want to struggle with him before the gates. But hey, he did the course, very happy with my little Harry Potter!

At Peppis farm Jaakkolan tila in Salo Rhy run a bit better and had a good fetch again, was second one day, but still not himself  though. I would had liked to run Coel (he wasn´t pre-enterd) the other day, and at first I was promised I could swap and run Coel (the judge knew I was going to)...but in the morning the judge said he won´t allow it. Aha, that was it then.
I really can´t understand why it´s such a big thing in Finland, to allow the competitors to decide which dog to run, when it´s only a small village trial. This trial was the last one to collect points to the last qualification trial for the it was clear I wouldn´t be able to run Coel there...

The summer went on with work on the farm etc, training the young ones now and then in a small field on our summer sheep. I also started Samulis Frost (Rhy x Meg), he was about 6-7 months, a very keen stylish splitface. He´ll be a handful for Samuli, but he´ll be alright I think, going a bit wide to the right because of the preassure from me. His brother Merc was also keen like hell, but not ready for training yet. My little cute Zak (Maico x Kylie) is interested in sheep but not ready to be trained yet, he is very soft and obedient...hope not too soft, we´ll see.

Kent (Kemi Rhys x Meg) , living with Kevin Evans in Wales

Samulis youngster Frost (Kemi Rhys x Meg)

Jessicas youngster Merc (Kemi Rhys x Meg)

Zak (Maico x Kylie) and Merc

Then August came and it was time for me and Leena to pack the car again, this time first towards Denmark to represent Finland at the Continental Sheepdog Trial (European championships). After that to Tain in North Scotland to the  World Sheepdog Trials.
Me and Leena starting the trip to Denmark and Scotland

At the Continentals Finland has got 6 places, me(captain), Leena Jussila, Minna Eronen, Kari Kotikoski and Severi Hirvonen with two dogs. At the World Trials Finland has got 8 places, so Heikki Teittinen and Juha Moisander would join us there 
Me and Leena were the first offenders in the team, so it was kind of fun to be the captain in the middle of all "old hands".
We had a very nice cottage, but it could have n´been a bit nearer, it was 40 minutes drive to the trial
Kari and Leena walking the course, first gate very close to the bushes

The first impressions when we came to the trial field was; Jeez, we are in Africa on the savannah! The field was huge, with two small sand roads on each side of the field. There where bushes, high grass, small trees (like bontsais) and ferns. The outrun was 450m, the drives where normal for a big trial, the cross drive seemed very long.  Then shed, pen and single.
Because I was the captain, I would run very late the second day among the "big boys"...oh help me God...
The ewes were big texel crosses, who were VERY touchy, if the dog came too close or upset them at all, they turned and wouldn´t move one step more. A lot of dogs crossed the outrun no matter if they sent left or right, a lot had trouble to lift and fetch them, a lot had troubles after rounding the post because the ewes didn´t want to go back in the high grass where it was hard for them to move.
Waiting for our turn at the Continentals in Denmark

When our trial season had been poorly and Rhys weakest point is just that he upsets the ewes, my self confidence weren´t too high when I waited for our turn.

Rhy went out to the left, went too wide as I had expected, whistled him in but he didn´t take it. Saw him disappear between the bushes towards the sea and then I couldn´t see him for a long time, when I finally spotted him in the horizon....he had run all too far, about 900m when he should go 450m. He had seen the outletting pen and headed for that, I called him and he turned and came on to his on sheep. Lift  and fetched were okey, drive was quite good hitting all the gates and I couldn´t believe when they suddenly where in the shedding ring with out any struggling. I guess he was so tired after all running so he was perfectly relaxed and not stressing the ewes. 
I got a good shed and waited for the course director to call it meanwhile Rhy was holding them...and waited, the unshedded ewes had run away and where close to the exhausting pen...I looked around and couldn´t figure out what was wrong...finally I had to turn Rhy and get to other ewes back. My concentrating was gone, but I made a shit shed which they accepted and I could move on to the pen. The ewes laughed at me and walked over me...I wasn´t focused, the shedding still bothered me...time out at the pen.
When I came of the course, I asked people around me if they knew why it wasn´t accepted...nobody understood why. It had been a long day for them too...maybe they wanted the shedded ones to move, that it wasn´t enough that he held them even if they wanted to join the away running ones, maybe...
I was confused and disappointed at myself, for not being able to focus at the pen, by getting stuck on what happened in the shed. After all I was pleased with Rhy how he handled the difficult ewes, a Scottish judge (spectator) came to tell me that he liked my dog a lot and wondered how he was bred. Even if it doesn´t matter what other people think, it´s nice when people are nice, the best thing was that the real Rhy was back on track.
Wiet van Dongen won, Jo-Agnar and Tika second and Serge third with Gary. I was most impressed with Jo-Agnars and Serges international sheds, they danced with the ewes, wow.
My first (hope not last) real big trial was over, we didn´t perform our best, but it was okey

Lambs at Rönnäs gård

_____________ to be continued ______________


A new blog, again Update part 1

It has been almost one year since I have written anything, so I thought I´d give it a go with a new blog. When my email was hijacked last Februari, also my old blog  the old blog KemiRhys  "died" because I couldn´t log in there with the old email address anymore.

There has been so much this year, last spring in Wales was the best time in my life and the summer was full of trials, in autumn me and Rhy represented Finland at The World Sheepdog Trial. Later on Rhys son Coel 1,5 years became Reserve
Nordic Nursery Champion in Denmark, being second after Jaran Knive and Fibula. 1.12 I started my daywork again at TeliaSonera.
To make a looong story short

Penyfed Farm (c) Jessica Saukkonen

Update part 1

3 months at Penyfed Farm, Ty Nant Wales

Outside our home (c) Jessica Saukkonen
Our home <3

Last spring me and Leena Jussila got the opportunity to work over the lambing for Aled Owen, two times World Champion, three times International Supreme Champion and sheep farmer.
We lived in a static caravan nearby the farm, sometimes it was a bit cold but it was our home and we loved it.
Me pulling my first lamb in Wales

Me feeding the petlambs

Jessica visited us for a long weekend


Raincoats for the lambs (c) Jessica Saukkonen

Coel bringing ewes and lambs down to the farm
Helping out the neighbour dosing his sheep, Coel helping in the pen
 There were about 400 crosses and 200 welsh ewes who lambed from middle of March to the end of April. Aled isn´t only a brilliant sheepdog trainer, he is also a very good teacher. Didn´t matter how slow and insecure we where in the beginning , he never ever said anything negative only encourages us. When the lambing was over, there were a lot of work every day for the dogs. When we had time and weren´t too tired we also trained the youngsters, this was absolutely awesome, we could train them in all kinds of fields small big flat steep etc, on small or big flocks and with ewes with lambs. 
Coel in the yard

Me, Rhy Morri and Meg on the hill

Leena and Aleds sweet brother Efvion

Jessica at Ann and Doug Lambies farm

Leena and Rhy

Taking sheep over the river (c) Leena Jussila

A day at work (c) Jessica Saukkonen
Dosing sheep

Rhy training up there somewhere....

 We went to a few trials too, no success but more experiences for us. In May Rhy hurt himself when we where training on the rough hill, he was lame for 2-3 weeks. The good thing about that, was that I had to take Coel to do the work. This is the best way to train young dogs if you have this kind of opportunity, take it to work when the dog has got the basics.
Alastair Gilchrist 86y having a look at Rhys leg

Aled helping with Coel

Coel with ewes and lambs on the caravan field

Me and Coel feeding

Coel improved a lot in a couple of weeks, soon he could gather a hill with me on the bike, he moved big flocks, separated ewes with lambs, brought flocks to the yard, worked in pens etc.
When we arrived we thought 3 months was a long time, but very soon the best time of my life came to it´s end...and we had to go back to Finland. I´m so very grateful to Aled for all we and our dogs have learned, for the kindness and all responsibility he trusted us with. Diolch Aled!

Last evening in "our" pub. Leena, Doug, Pete and Janet

Me with my mates, Gypsy and Roy

Rhy in the pen at Lonscale farm

Before we went home, we drove to North England and picked up Anni from Dereks farm. The 3 of us then drove to Scotland, where we visited Mosse and Lotta Magnusson  and then to Bobby Dalziel. It was wonderful to see Mosse and Lottas farm, and not to forget the feeling when Coel 12 months, went up like a racket all the way up on Bobbys brae. I couldn´t train Rhy there because he was lame, that was a shame because it was there he found his pace last year with Bobbys help and I would liked to have more of that. When I´m running him, I often hear Bobby on my shoulder "check him..."

Blackface lambs

Coel and Jazz watching Morri on the brae

Coel up on the brae ( the withe spot are the sheep), Bobby giving me instructions

Training with Mosse and Lotta

Deerplay, the sheep are held in a cage on the top because it´s so steep.. When the dog is behind the cage they´ll let the sheep out.
Before we went home, we participated in a famous difficult trial Deerplay, organized by Shirley and Jim Cropper. We had read about it, but we hadn´t understood how very difficult the outrun really was, the horizontally rain and hard wind didn´t make it any easier...

Rhy found his sheep with 2 extra commands but got stuck in the swampy ground with the ewes, he didn´t want them to take the  way to the path and gripped when he tried to force them the shortest way, thank you and goodby. But, I was really happy because we were the first Finns to ever take part in this trial and we did find the sheep (everybody didn´t)!
Next day we  started the long way home. Ta da

                                                          ____  To be continued  ___