We flew from Helsinki to Copenhagen, the dogs were calm when they came out like they had done this eveeryday.
We rented a car and drove via Bredsten to Holstebro where the trial was gonna be. We stayed one night at Finn Petersen and Gunilla Svedjemark and got to train on their super nice sheep.
At Helsinki airport |
Nell and Coel waiting for us to let them out |
Minna training at Finns and Gunillas place |
Next day we drove to Holstebro: The organizers Anna Östman and Peter Helen, had managed to fix an overnight stay at their neighbours, so we had only 200m to the trial field from our "cottage". Perfect!
Our "cottage" |
Chloe Cropper and Stephen Duckworth from UK judged. The trialfield was nice, outrun 350, drive about 150m x 110 x 150m, shed (two uncollared off), pen and single (one collared off). Sheep were just great, light (if you compare to finnish) but putting pressure on some dogs at the drive gates and at the pen.
Coel had a good run the first day, with some small faults before the gates and the beginning of the fetch. Nell had a good start but struggled in the end of the long first leg of the drive, first time for her to run an open course. Marika Klossner and Jymy were beaten of the time the first day.
I never want to know my points, so after all dogs had run, I couldn´t believe it when I was told I was second after Jaran Knive eand Fibula, jiiz...
You can see the run from the first day here Coel, first day
In the evening they had organized a dinner for the competitors, staff and judges. It was great to talk sheepdogs with old and new friends, I have to say that Peter Helen and his son Robin are great (read=hilarous) hosts, the Norwegians are just crazy...I haven´t laughed that much in a long time!
Next day the course was more difficult. The outrun was from the same field, but the sheep were let out on an other field with completely different surface, the outletting people took the sheep trough the forrest between the fields to the other field. The outletting pen was 300m in front of the post, so a lot of the dogs tryed to head for them. It was difficult for a lot of dogs, I think those who found their sheep without extra commands, could be counted on the fingers of one hand, Minnas Nell was also one of them who went straight to the sheep.
Superb catering here :-) |
At the post Coel hadn´t seen the sheep, he steared at the outletting pen like the other dogs had done... I tryed to set him up with pressure a to get him out wide to the left...I hadn´t done that before, so he didn´t understand at all and backed away from me... I had to let him go out as he wanted, I relied on him that I would be able to whistle him out...but I didn´t have to.
He went out without extra commands like a rocket, wow. The fetch could have been better, the drive was okey I guess, I had broblems to shed, couldn´t calm the sheep down...think I tryed to call him in to a shit gap...pen okey... Coel anticipated the single and tryed to come in for two (should be one)...at least I got the single.
We took the sheep of and I had to sit down, I had a hell of a stomache ache, couldn´t even go and watch Jaran. I heard Fibula had problems to find the sheep, a lot of extra command was needed...but the rest of the course had been okey except for the shed I heard. Took pain killers but didn´t help properly, I guess I had been so nervous so my midriff cramped or something. I have tought that I can perform good under pressure, seems I can not.
Then it was time for prize giving, I assumed that Jaran would win and hoped that we would be in the best of 10...it was just amazing, we became second!!! It felt so nice when a lot of people was so happy for us, I guess people was happy also because Finland is normally never on the prizelist in these games ;-) Happy happy happy!
3. Finn Engan & MArco 1. Jaran Knive & Fibula 2. Anja Lehtiö & Coel (c) Ester Nordby |
Me guiding Coel, the small withe spots in the far end are are the drive gates |
On Saturday morning it was time for StoråLam-cup, one had cancelled so they had fitted Coel in, but I had to run first because we had a plane to catch. Usually people let their dogs see when other dogs sheep are coming on the fetch, easier then for the dog to spot it´s own sheep...but I wouldn´t be able to do that now.
Neither me or the other Finns or Swedes who were there for the first time, had seen a course like this. It was huge, three sections (fields) with big ditches between them and on the sides, swampy terrain that continued as long you could see to the right... The outrun wasn´t more than maybe 550m but the terrain and size of it made it difficult.
Peter and Anna are known for making courses that are really testing the dogs. They have to be good outrunners and take directions, they have to feel the sheep and let the sheep choose where to put their feet, they need power to force them over ditches etc..they also have to have brains. It´s what their dogs need in their daily work.
The sun hadn´t rised properly when me and Coel went on, and it rained like hell so I couldn´t see the sheep myself...how the hell should I be able to get my 18months old youngster out there...?!
He went out wide and started to came in before the first ditch, I stopped and whistled him out, out he went and tryed to come in again at the second ditch, stop and out again and with one more he took out properly and headed for his sheep, first goal done.
I couldn´t see much with the rain slashing my face...whistled some stops and walks...had to trust him to handle and bring the sheep to the post 100m in front of me where they should be turned arround for the long drive. Little Harry Potter guided his sheep like an experienced dog and took all commands right...it was really hard to see so far...thinks we missed the second gate, back to the shedding ring, shed done, pen done, single done. Holy shit, we did it, we completed the most difficult course I have ever seen!!!
We saw a few dogs run, and it was not easy for them either, even if some of them had run at this same course before. Then we had to return to our cottage to pack and start the drive to Copenhagen to catch the plane. After packing we returned to the trial field to see a few dogs, the weather was much better now and there had also been some good runs, but still a lot of dogs had retired.
I started to realize that Coel had really done a brilliant job, running as the first dog, poor sight and heavy rain!
Well it would have been so fun to participate next day in the double fetch, but we had to leave, maybe next year... I heard later on that Coel had ended up on 7th place, not bad!
Proudly presenting the Reserve Nordic Nursery Champion 2014
Me and Minna on our way to Finland |
On our trip we had a lot of time to make plans for our new project Next Step, herding clinics and Online training more about this soon...
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